View questions and answers to information about AHA below.


  • Who is AHA?

    The legal name for AHA is the Housing Authority of the City of Aurora. AHA was established pursuant to Section 42-27 of the Aurora City Code and §29-4-209 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. AHA is, for purposes of state law, a body both corporate and politic, and exercising public powers separate and apart from the City of Aurora. AHA is vested with governmental powers as well, including the right to acquire property by eminent domain.

  • How is AHA funded?

    Aurora Housing Authority operations are funded from a variety of sources. They include:

    • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
    • Arapahoe County Department of Social Services
    • Revenue from the operations of apartment communities
    • Aurora Housing Authority uses cash it has acquired and issues tax exempt bonds and mortgages to acquire apartment communities. These debts are obligations of AHA and not of the City of Aurora or the State of Colorado.
  • How is AHA funded?

    The AHA is governed by a seven-member Board of Commissioners, the members of which are appointed to five-year terms by the Mayor of the City of Aurora. The Board appoints an Executive Director who oversees a professional staff experienced in the development, construction, management, and maintenance of affordable housing and related programs.

  • What properties does AHA own?

    AHA owns and manages more than 620 units of rental housing, with more in development.

  • What is AHA's mission statement?

    To develop and promote quality housing while supporting and encouraging economic opportunities leading to self-sufficiency and independence.

  • Where can I find more information?

  • Where can I find the minutes and agendas of the AHA Board meetings?

    Where can I find the minutes and agendas of the AHA Board meetings?

    They are archived on the City of Aurora’s website: http://www.auroragov.org/CityHall/BoardsandCommissions/AuroraHousingAuthority/index.htm

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