Your role as a landlord in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program is important to the Aurora Housing Authority (AHA) and to the participants of the HCV program. Without the landlords, the HCV program’s principal goal to expand affordable housing opportunities to low-income families would not be possible.
Landlord Portal
We try our best to provide exceptional customer service however, we recognize that serving over 2,000 program participants and over 1,000 landlords can result in delays. We invite you to register for our online landlord portal that will allow access to information 24/7.
The portal can be used to:
• Update your bank account information.
• View your ledger.
• View your unit inspection results.
• View tenant caseworker information.
• Update your contact information.
Requesting a Rent Increase
Rent increase requests must be submitted to the Aurora Housing Authority (AHA) 60 days prior to the effective date of the increase. All approved rent increases will take effect on the 1st of the month (e.g. requests received on January 15 will be effective April 1).
- The landlord must submit the Rent Increase Request Form, Amenities List and proposed lease or lease addendum to the appropriate Housing Specialist by fax or email.
- The AHA will conduct rent reasonableness to determine if the increase is in accordance with market rates.
- If the increase is denied written notification will be mailed. If the increase is rent reasonable, written notification will be mailed requesting additional documentation based on the landlord entering into a new lease or continuing month to month.
- The requested documents must be returned to the Housing Specialist who issued the notice within 10 days in order for the increase to take effect on time. Failure to submit the requested documents will result in your request being denied.
Rent Increase Form
Rent increase requests must be submitted 60 days prior to the effective date of the increase. Complete the form and provide AHA a proposed lease or lease addendum based on 1)if the landlord will be entering into a new lease with the tenant or 2)continue month to month.
Rent Increase Form
Terminating Tenancy
Tenancy may be terminated for various reasons. To terminate tenancy, Colorado State law must be followed the same for Section 8 assisted renters as for market-rate renters.
- The lease or Colorado law gives the family the right to terminate the lease on notice to the owner and the family has given a notice of termination to the owner in accordance with the lease. If the family does terminate the lease on notice to the owner, the family must give AHA a copy of the notice at the same time.
- The family has complied with all other obligations of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) and has moved out of the assisted dwelling unit in order to protect the health or safety of an individual who is or has been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking and who reasonably believed he or she was imminently threatened by harm from further violence if he or she remained in the assisted dwelling unit.
- The lease for the family’s unit has been terminated by mutual agreement of the owner and the family. If the family and the owner mutually agree to terminate the lease for the family’s unit, a copy of the rescission must be given to AHA per the terms of the HAP contract.
- The owner has given the family a notice to vacate, has commenced an action to evict the family, or has obtained a court judgment or other process allowing the owner to evict the family. A copy must be given to AHA per the terms of the HAP contract.