View information about proposals, quotes, RFQs, and more below.
The Housing Authority of the City of Aurora (AHA) reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality in the Request For Proposal (RFP) process, or to terminate the RFP process at any time, if deemed by AHA to be in its best interests.
AHA reserves the right not to award a contract pursuant to their RFPs.
AHA reserves the right to terminate a contract awarded pursuant to their RFPs.
AHA reserves the right to determine the days, hours and locations that the successful proposer(s) shall provide the services called for in their RFPs.
AHA reserves the right to negotiate the fees proposed by the proposer entity.
AHA reserves the right to reject and not consider any proposal that does not meet the requirements of their RFP, including but not necessarily limited to incomplete proposals and/or proposals offering alternate or non-requested services.
AHA shall have no obligation to compensate any proposer for any costs incurred in responding to their RFPs.
AHA shall reserve the right to at any time during the RFP or contract process to prohibit any further participation by a proposer or reject any proposal submitted that does not conform to any of the requirements detailed herein.
RFP20250201 Executive Search Firm Services
Proposals must be sent electronically in a
single PDF file to: Taylor Schaffter, Subject Line: RFP20250201 Executive Search Firm, by
Monday, March 3, 2025 at
5:00pm MST. By submitting a proposal, the firm authorizes AHA to contact references to evaluate the firm’s qualifications for this project.
Open until further notice
Attachment A: Unit Square Foot Sizes (Microsoft Excel File)
Attachment B: Pricing Sheet (Microsoft Excel File)
Please ignore “respond by” date. This remains open until further notice.
Attachment A: Unit Square Foot Sizes (Microsoft Excel File)
Attachment B: Pricing Sheet (Microsoft Excel File)
Please ignore “respond by” date. This remains open until further notice.
RFQ Unit Turn Cleaning Services
Attachment A: Unit Square Foot Sizes (Microsoft Excel File)
Attachment B: Pricing Sheet (Microsoft Excel File)